The founder of this event series is Doug 'The Beard,' Spence. I was quite eager to meet him after watching many of his obstacle tutorials. The video for getting over walls in particular has made a huge difference in my approach to OCR events, saving me energy in using my legs as oppose to my arms. On more than one occasion I've had positive comments from fellow racers on my wall technique. There's also The Beard's technique for getting over the Irish Table which left spectators watching really confused as to what just happened! So as you can see in the picture below I was just a tad over excited to meet one of the legends of OCR, The Beard. There are loads of obstacles on this race, but I've just picked a few of the highlights here:
This promotional video for the LFNS was started nearly two years ago but because of delays beyond my control it's been in a state of limbo. I finished it in January but we thought we'd release it when the weather picks up to help encapsulate the excitement of skating in the sunshine. (Winter skating is only for the diehard). This week seems perfect for the video release as the weather outlook is amazing. With the added bonus of such a fantastic Easter Bunny Stroll Skate last Sunday lets carry riding this wave of buzzing endorphins!
Because I'm finding it difficult to get time to write these days; plus to make it clearer for people who don't have time to read all the details; I've developed an infographic for my event reviews. The initial setup took a bit of time especially updating all previous events, but going forth this should hopefully make events posts quicker to upload.
I've also created a new 'obstacle course racing review,' page. So you can easily scroll down and compare events as well as having easy access to the events' site, full reviews and youtube videos. I've done a couple of runs using the 180-Formula after reading an article from fellow blogger Van. (180 minus your age to find your target heart rate).
Although I find it hard to step off the throttle I do like how casual and more pleasurable the overall run is. Today however I noticed that I'm considerably slower than I normally am in order to keep to my target heart rate. (I was running at less than 5 mph, about 1.5 mph slower than previous). It wasn't till I finished that I wondered that if the cold I currently have is the cause of this. Several websites and forums agree with this statement although am yet to find a more official page on this. Nethertheless I completed my first work to home 10 mile journey. 2 hours 13 minutes. Despite the cold I enjoyed the run and the time went pretty quick. It was nice once I got closer to home that runners would give you a hood wink, unlike the less friendly London runners. (Chill my friend, just stereotyping here)! I'm looking forward to repeat the journey once this snottiness disappears... |
"Any tips, reviews and advice are my own opinions and are not to be taken as professional view points. The information on this site is what has worked for me and is here for guidance only, but I hope you gain insight into the various activities I partake in." Jonathan Chen Archives
December 2019